Guided Grounding Meditation



Outdoor guided grounding meditation - when we feel like we need to come home to our bodies, grounding is essential. When we are ungrounded it may be difficult to breathe, sleep, eat and even have issues with digestion. Nateur has found that getting outside and meditating in the freedom of an open space can heal him of his worst troubles. A guided meditation focused on grounding our energies and body’s homeostasis really brings maximum comfort with our journey home to ourselves. Come ground with Nateur.


Personalized live stream online and in person sessions available.

25 minutes live stream for $85

60 minute in person session for $200


What is a guided meditation?

Both guided meditation and deep relaxation have a number of amazing effects on your body and hormones. Meditation slows down brain wave activity and subdues stress all the while triggering human growth hormones (HGH).

Meditation also improves the quality of your sleep as it quells the endless chatter of your mind.


What are the benefits of guided meditation?

Guided meditation helps negative thought patterns parish. It has the ability to give a new abundance of self love while helping with a distracted mind to become more focused when trying to reach a higher calling.